Animal Dental Clinic of Pittsburgh

9117 Marshall Road
Cranberry Township, PA 16066



What is a Board Certified Specialist?


Testing a dog tooth with a dental toolThe increased sophistication of veterinary medicine and increasingly important role of pets in our society has resulted in the emergence of a number of veterinary specialties comparable to those in human medicine (e.g., cardiologist, radiologists, surgeons, internists, dermatologists and dentists). Dentistry is one of more than 20 specialties currently recognized by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).

Specialty certification requires completing 3 to 6 years of training in the area of specialization beyond the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree. Requirements vary among individual “specialty colleges” but all candidates must pass advanced credential requirements approved by the AVMA. In addition to comprehensive training in the area of expertise, a veterinarian must submit credentials of expertise to a review board in the specialty college. Following acceptance of the credentials, an extensive written and practical examination must be successfully completed before being acknowledged as a specialist.

When these requirements have been met, the applicant is then designated as a “Board Certified Specialist” or “Diplomate” of the respective specialty college. Veterinary dentistry specialty candidates who complete this process can then use the well-earned titles, Diplomate of the American Veterinary Dental College, Board Certified Veterinary Dentist, Veterinary Dentist andVeterinary Dental Specialist